I just returned from South Africa… What a great place! I had a very nice crew and we went on a few tours.
Johannesburg – About 40% of the world’s gold has come from this area! There is a great amount of wealth and poverty apparent here. From Lamborghini car show rooms too shanty towns –the city has it all. The houses (and shops) in the affluent neighbourhoods have high fences with razor wire on top and electric fence on top of that! The city is fairly clean. There is a high crime rate there but I didn’t see anything bad. There is about a 48% unemployment rate in South Africa!
When we arrived I set up a tour with a very nice local named Nelson. We spent 2 days with him and I can highly recommend him for his great nature, knowledge, tours and value.
I spent 1 night In Capetown. It looked very nice but all we had time to do is go out for a quick bite to eat at the waterfront.
I am back in Doha with a standby day tomorrow and a trip to London scheduled for Thursday. Today I plan to try some more kitesurfing and later tonight some sticks with Steve.