About Me

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Hi everyone! Because I am so bad at emailing and keeping in contact with everyone, I thought this might be a better way to keep everyone informed about what is happening in my life. I am an airline pilot currently working and living in the Middle East. Previously I have flown for airlines in Australia and the US. I am divorced with 2 great children that live with their mother in Australia.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Manila and the Pyramids.

Manila is a very nice place and the people are very friendly. All signs are in English and it seems to be the main language spoken so it is very easy to get around and communicate. I was surprised by the amount of security guards and police. The area where I stayed all of the shops and hotels had security guards at the doors and most you had to walk through a metal detector to get in. The hotel I stayed at also had a bomb sniffing dog.

The weather was hot and humid. I didn’t get any pictures because the day I was going out to go sight seeing it was raining.

When I returned from Manila I flew the next day to Cairo. We flew straight over the pyramids. The weather was a bit hazy but I got some good pictures.
My schedule has changed a bit for the rest of the month. I next fly to Manchester, Paris, a few days of Standby and then a 6 day trip to Beijing (The Great Wall of China here I come!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The Pyramids, Paris, The Great Wall of China & more--all in a few weeks!! Enjoy! Sounds like you've seen most of the seven wonders of the world.

But the best wonder of wonders will be when you get some flights to Melbourne.

Jeff graduates this weekend, then has a year to get his credentials to teach (4th, 5th or middle school are his plans)and getting married June 17, 2006.

Brian is still working with Mike (wonder of wonders)and talking of taking some college classes this fall.

That's all from here. I'll be in Portland and Prosser over the Memorial Day weekend.

Bye for now. Love, Kathy

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