About Me

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Hi everyone! Because I am so bad at emailing and keeping in contact with everyone, I thought this might be a better way to keep everyone informed about what is happening in my life. I am an airline pilot currently working and living in the Middle East. Previously I have flown for airlines in Australia and the US. I am divorced with 2 great children that live with their mother in Australia.

Monday, February 07, 2005


I arrived in Melbourne (4 a.m.) and had to grab a hotel because all the car rental places were closed. I picked up the kids from school and headed down to the beach with them. Melbourne’s weather has lived up to its reputation…the 24 hours before I arrived they had the most rain in a 24 hr period every recorded. The next day at the beach it was pissing (Australian for pouring) down rain. We stayed for a while and decided to return to Melbourne and go rock climbing. It is a sign of great trust in your 12-year-old daughter when you are about 18 metres (60 feet) off the ground, afraid of heights (yes I am!) and she is the one controlling your safety rope… if you fall she will catch you or from the top you just let go and she lowers you to the floor (as fast or slow as she wants to). Both kids did great. They have grown so much in the last 7 weeks since I have seen them last. Last night I had a great time with the old (not really old) Kew gang. They are such a great group of friends… I really miss the get togethers.
Tonight I am off to play laser tag with the kids and maybe some bowling. Tomorrow I am flying to Carins for 2 days then Japan. I am planning to come back to Doha via Hong Kong but it is Chinese New year and I am not sure if I will be able to catch a flight. I will be back in Doha about next Wednesday and will post some pics then. If I get a chance I will update from Japan and Hong Kong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that you and the kids are having fun. Happy B-day! I just tried calling on Q # but got a busy signal. So I'll just wish you a really pleasant day and I'll look forward to new photos of Ella & James. Give them an extra hug & kiss from me and spoil them a little from Aunt Kathy. Love, Kathy

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