About Me

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Hi everyone! Because I am so bad at emailing and keeping in contact with everyone, I thought this might be a better way to keep everyone informed about what is happening in my life. I am an airline pilot currently working and living in the Middle East. Previously I have flown for airlines in Australia and the US. I am divorced with 2 great children that live with their mother in Australia.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Japan and beach bbq.

I had a great time in Japan. I just missed the Cherry Blossom season but there were still a few trees with blooms on them. It was very beautiful and would have been impressive when in full bloom. In Japan I visited the Miidera Temple (http://www.bushcat.com/jbits/miidera.html), The Silver Pavilion (http://japan.chez.tiscali.fr/Kyoto/Japan/Ginkakuji.htm) and the Philosophers Walk around Kyoto. (For pics of Japan from my last trip in February http://kirkpleasant.blogspot.com/2005_02_01_kirkpleasant_archive.html - go half way down the page). My next trip I hope to visit Hiroshima.
I love the food and sake (rice wine) in Japan and indulged too much in both.
The return flight was interesting because we had 2 suspected heart attacks on board but a nurse travelling with us looked after the passengers and advised that both were ok to continue on to Doha. It would have been an interesting experience to divert some place in China for a medical emergency!
When I arrived back in Doha (after a 12 hour flight) I slept a few hours then went to a small beach about 100 km north of Doha with a few other pilots and their families. It was fun to be around all of the kids and I really wished that Ella and James were with me.
My next scheduled flight is to South Africa on Tuesday night.


Anonymous said...

Great photo Kirk ... who was flying the plane?

Rob C

Captain Kirk said...

I was flying! Due to the length of the flight we were required to have 2 relief pilots on board (2 f/o’s – 1 trained to handle emergencies from the left hand seat). I was required to have about 6 hours of rest in-flight but due too the suspected heart attacks…it didn’t happen. One of the relief pilots took the picture.

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