About Me

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Hi everyone! Because I am so bad at emailing and keeping in contact with everyone, I thought this might be a better way to keep everyone informed about what is happening in my life. I am an airline pilot currently working and living in the Middle East. Previously I have flown for airlines in Australia and the US. I am divorced with 2 great children that live with their mother in Australia.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Some old photo's

Not much has happened the last 2 days, I had a day return trip to Trivandrum India - I noticed that all the fishing boats were on the beach, they must be afraid to go back into the ocean after the tsunami. Yesterday I had a day off. The weather was cool, windy and dusty. I had lunch with another pilot, a nice phone call with the kids (miss them heaps), a workout at home (part of my new equipment has arrived) and a few drinks at ‘The Aussie Bar’. Today I talked to James and Ella on the Internet…they are growing up so much. Later l am training one of the pilots who wants to do a triathlon in September. Then off to Qatar Airways head office to renew my multiple exit visa. It cost about US$150 for year but it is worth it. If I do not have it I have it I have to apply 3 days in advance to leave the country of Qatar on days off. They like to keep control of you here… like a slave. Late this afternoon I am doing some Wing Chung (Chinese Kung-fu) training with Steve. Steve is an ex-international gymnast for Great Britton who has been doing Wing Chung for about 15 years. He has been on vacation for the last month…. Now he is back…the vacation is over for me! We also train once a week full contact stick fighting (Steve is also a black belt in Modern Arnis - Filipino stick fighting). We wear head gear, elbow pads and hockey gloves. I get some good bruises (will include a few pics). I am also including a few pics of the kids on our trip to the USA in July 2004.

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